Monday, August 24, 2009

# Just Found It :) #

Find a guy who called you beautiful instead of hot,
Who call you back when you hang up with him,
Who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat,
Or will stay awake just to watch you sleep,
Wait for a boy who kisses ur forehead,
Who want to show you off to the world when you are in meets,
Who hold your hands in front of his friends,
Who think you are just as pretty without make up on,
One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have you.
The one who turns to his friends and say …"that’s her…" :)

Aku sgt happy arini bcoz of sumting..what is it? I don't want to tell. U guys just guess la ok !~
Wah ha ha ^_^ Hurmmm..I Miss His Jokes :)


dukustreet said...

x bleh nak teka la pasai pa hang happy sangat ni...huhu...

jart said...

Aku sgt happy arini = 24 august..

kalo 3 september mmg xde pape yg happy pun..huhuhuhu

sbbnya...something on facebook :D