Tuesday, February 17, 2009

# Being Independent #

This entry is not to blame + mock anybody. Just for the sake of learning and taking it as a lesson. Well, we're human and we're not PERFECT !~ definitely.

Independent..what does it means? The capability of standing alone and do things on your own effort. But, somehow we still need to depend on other person in some situations. I can't deny that,me as well in certain times need somebody to depend upon. Still, I always said to myself to learn to be independent. Seek help only when I really need it.

Actually aku bengang ngan sumone sbb buat perkara yg tak patut dibuat. Penat strecthing smlm pun tak abis lagi, ada plak yg nk tlng strecth tmbh kepala otak aku. Haihhh ! I'm not sure either I should felt annoyed or not but as a girl I think it's quite irrelevant for guys. If the reason is u're shy, huh for me I can't accept. In this case,the thing is just simple. I'd gave the contact but u're not even do anything for that. At least, add the person (ID ym was given) and tell something. I don't mind to get it for you whether I'm busy or not BUT, the sms i'd received before HRIS class today really made me felt very angry. I'm receiving instruction for the thing that u're the person that should do it actually. NOT ME. I did my part. See, bile aku marah english aku mmg terbaek ar (utk aku la : ignore d' grammar).

Since I'm not in a good mood today, just take note of the consequences. Bkn sbb moody sgt pun senarnye coz i'd had a very nice sleep last night. SMS tu yg sgt tak boleh diterima. Kena plak time tu aku tgh buat salary calculation utk HRIS nye kelas kol 2. Mmg bengang sgt-sgt la. Serious ! Simple thing pun tak leh nak handle sendiri. Susah la.Ok, maybe small matter tapi benda yg kecik tu la kekdg kene take it seriously coz we're learning from that actually. Aku yang pompuan ni pun leh survive. Bkn nak bangga diri ke ape. Dulu aku pun teruk jgk. Takde la independent mane pun. Tapi lama-lama aku cam pikir, sampai bile nak depend ngn orang lain. Selagi benda tu leh survive sorang-sorang n tak memerlukan any help, buat je sendiri. Zaman dah berubah. Have to be INDEPENDENT.

At the same time, my rumet pun kena condition yg lebih kurang sama. Dia pun bengang dgn grupmate laki die. International student. Ktorg dh sgt enjoy d' weekend dok gelak-gelak happy-happy even dok bilik je and tetibe bengang pn sama-sama. Same time. Ahahahaha. Aku ckp kt rumet aku..kenape laki zaman skrg ni mcm tak leh nak independent ar, takde inisiatif sendiri utk dapatkan sumting or whatever la. My junior pun ade citer hal yg lebih kurang sama jgk pasal member laki dorg. Eeeee ! I hate dat type of guy.Tapi, it's unfair to say that all guys are like that. Some of them je la. Not all OK !

Sorry la if ada yg terasa. This is my blog so I'm free to write anything. I think, I don't care !~ Coz when I did care of people, they're taking advantage sometimes. SO ??? Why should I??? haha. Ini pun kire baik aku tak gune bahasa kesat. Ikutkan hati nak aje tapi takpe. I'm learning to control it.

-chow chin chow-



Dan sAya FaNa said...

marah kat sape ni cik hajaruddin?

jart said...

uhuhuhuhu..citer dh lapok la !~ d' person was forgiven :)