Thursday, April 2, 2009

# April Fool #

Hello everybody...semalam april fool tp xde sesape antara kami2 (my buddies) yg ingat n kena april fool. Maybe memasing dlm kepala just FYP FYP FYP..pening okeh nk dptkn respondents..honestly aku rs cam best gak buat research ni sbb dpt knowledge baru but it's really tiring lorr..each part has its own difficulty to handle. The time given to complete the research is quite short actually unless it just FYP for that trimester. Still have another subjects to focus on so the time is running very short u noe. I have one midterm left + assignments + presentations..huhuhu so many works to do, so many things to think. Pechah kepala !~ :P

Arini kuar bilik kol 12 balik bilik kol 8. Pergh penat giler pun ada byk benda nk setel utk esok. Adoiyaii :( Neway, I got one good news from my lecturer today. I'm really happy for that. Thank you thank you thank you ^_^ Sgt-sgt tak diduga. Mungkin ini semua hikmah di sebalik setiap kejadian yg berlaku. Syukur sgt-sgt. Alhamdulillah..terima kasih Ya-Allah. Bila sebak di dada sbb tuhan tu Maha Pengasih Maha Penyayang. Dia tak penah lupakan hamba-Nya walaupun hamba-Nya kekdg lupakan Dia.

I still have around one month and a half before my final exam of my degree. No more final exam after this. Kirenye ni la final exam hidup dan mati aku. I'm so motivated to work out for the best result no matter how. I'll never give up. I'll try my best. Usaha + Doa + Tawakal = Kejayaan..insya-Allah !~ :) Aku doa tuhan kuatkan semangat n tabahkan hati aku dlm apa keadaan sekalipun. Aku yakin dgn hikmah ujian Dia utk aku. Sgt yakin :) Byk urusan aku yg dipermudahkan.

Aku nak hadiahkan final result degree aku utk mak n ayah tersayang. I only have them in my life. They're everything to me, can't live this life without them. Seriously. I dont need anybody else unless they really care n honestly love me. I dont need hypocrite people. Why? Coz my love for them is not appreciated. I know.I can feel it.I'm not being treated as the way it should be. Nevermind.

Some motivational words from my buddies : Tuhan uji tuhan sayang..ko beruntung. Sedih mmg tak dpt lari..nangislah !~ Tanda hati ko tak kering..hati ko lembut..dont be sad sis, Allah bless you :) Always ingat, tuhan sentiasa bersama org2 yg strong k !~ Uhuks uhuks..terima kasih sahabat-sahabatku. Syg kamu semua sgt-sgt :-* muah muah !

Aku mimpikan suram cahaya
Bertukar cahaya indah
Semoga tiba hari bersinar ruang hati
Menyuluh arah jalan kembali

Airmata dan senyuman
Antara mimpi dan harapan
Adalah rindu semilu menghiris kalbu
Yang terlalu menyayangi
Di akhirnya terkorban diri
Menyedari itu aku putuskan
Pasrah segala pada tuhan

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